Empaths can “Read the Room”

As an empath, you will find that you can walk into a, (fill-in-the-blank, really) room, a house, an office, a party, a restaurant or even a store and feel the energy of that space and the people in it. You might notice (or feel) that the energy of the space feels dense, happy, angry, chaotic, malicious, somber or light-hearted. Does it feel sad, defeated, on edge or gossipy? This isn’t a “skill” that everyone has, but it comes easy for an Empath and they can actually use this to their advantage.

The overall energy in the room will help you to determine if you need to protect yourself or you can stay open. (I would advise anytime you are surrounded by a group of people that you SHOULD protect yourself to some degree.) You might also sense that you need to put distance between you and certain individuals in the room, or, when possible, to make an exit all together.  Follow your gut. You’ll know instinctively what to do. (You may want to read: A Little Space (Away From Negative or Toxic People) Never Hurt Anybody.)

When you can read a room, you can sense who might be a good person to talk to, and you can also shift how you speak to people by the energy you are sensing. There may also be people in the room that you are attracted to energetically, which will make for easy and meaningful conversation.


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