A Prayer or Intention to Negate the Negative Effects of Cellular 5G Towers

Have you noticed more and more of these 5G towers popping up what seems to be like overnight? Never mind that they are an eyesore, what they omit is dangerous to our health and to our environment. 5G (5th Generation wireless technology) and EMFs (electromagnetic fields) radiate from things like cell phones, laptops, smart devices, and microwaves, not to mention these large structures that are constantly being constructed.

Though some people can be more sensitive to 5G/EMFs than others, EMFs disrupt energy frequencies within our body and within our energy field, they affect our endocrine glands, immune system, and nervous system. Possible symptoms and health issues related to 5G radiation and EMF exposure are said to include:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Anxiety
  • Autism
  • Blood pressure issues
  • Changes in memory
  • Chronic pain conditions
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Cold/flu-like symptoms
  • Depression and depressive symptoms
  • Dizziness
  • DNA damage and altered gene expression
  • Dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation)
  • Eye and heart problems
  • Fetal and newborn development issues
  • Hair loss
  • Headaches
  • Heart rate changes/Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Hypoxia (low oxygen in the blood)
  • Infection and Illness
  • Infertility
  • Irritability
  • Lack of concentration
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of concentration/memory loss
  • Muscle weakness
  • Nausea
  • Restlessness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Skin burning and tingling
  • Skin diseases and cancer
  • Sleep disturbances/insomnia
  • Slowed cell growth rate
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Tumors and Cancers
  • Weakened immune system

A Spanish study published in April 2020 showed a direct correlation between illness and 5G towers. Other studies have also suggested that 5G can have effects on bacteria resistance and plant health and the natural ecosystem. There are products out there that shield EMFs, but those products address cell phones and personal technology, not so much large towers.

Once a tower is up, it is nearly impossible to fight to have it taken down, however places like Easton, CT (May, 2020) passed a resolution to stop 5G deployment, citing lack of safety testing and health risks.

Though the internet has been scrubbed and many tech companies keep preaching that there is no harmful side-effects to 5G, continually educate yourself about the wireless industry and the global, governmental support of this endeavor and make your own determination. (You can’t vaccinate against radiation poisoning.)

Whenever I come across a tower, I say this prayer or intention: “Please neutralize the ill effects of this tower and all like it. Thank you and so it is.

Some links you might want to explore on the topic in the post:

5G – The Global Human Experiment without Consent & Most Censored Topic of Our Time  – https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/5g-global-human-experiment-without-consent-1?fbclid=IwAR0mSAMx0JdmDdIeAOpmXa3YChXPbOqDdjF8wbWpfGQzotLmI1XV4IS5LmU

Americans for Responsible Technology (ART) – https://www.americansforresponsibletech.org/

How to Protect Yourself from 5G and EMF Radiation https://www.gaia.com/article/how-to-protect-yourself-from-5g-and-emf-radiation

INTERNATIONAL APPEAL Stop 5G on Earth and in Spacehttps://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal

The Dangers of The 5G Wireless Network and What You Can Dohttps://livelovefruit.com/dangers-of-the-5g-wireless-network

Top 19 Tips to Reduce Your EMF Exposurehttps://wakeup-world.com/2019/01/26/top-19-tips-to-reduce-your-emf-exposure/

You may also wish to research GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) Towers

You may want to measure the EMFs in your home, office and/or school.

Lastly, I wrote a post about a book you may want to read to educate yourself on the topic: What if…You did your own Research? https://healriseupandascendwithamber.wordpress.com/2022/01/18/what-if-you-did-your-own-research/


What if…You did your own Research?

As things start to roll out across our country, some of you may have heard on the news this morning how five gee (spelt this way in the hopes of not getting deleted) has been determined “safe” in Europe… well, that’s not necessarily the case if you are a #truthseeker. Or if you have verified such with your contacts across the pond.

Sure, there are towers going up now, but do you know that the goal is that eventually there will be a transmitter every 100-200 feet, including on light poles and on homes???

Do you know that some of the biggest culprits of this sort of radiation in your home is your Alexa or your Google Nest (formally Google Home)?

Do you know what health issues and chronic diseases are linked to this?

Do you know that the inverters on roof top solar panels are causing more harm than the good?

Do you know your home is potentially more vulnerable on the second floor (where most bedrooms are)?

Do you know that there are certain steps that you can take to protect the interior of your home and family?

Do you know that the five, won’t replace the 3 and/or 4, but rather it is in addition to?

Do you know that there have been studies done showing that EMFs are responsible for decreasing the bee population, as well as other insect populations? (There have been studies done.) Do you know that depending on where/how the antennas are pointed, that the radiation can affect our food (making it less nutrient), as well as cause harm to animals?

Do you know that there are some states, towns and counties who are taking action to slow the rollout?

What are we doing about it here????

Just like I have “felt” things about food shortages, weather and natural disasters, and I have felt things about certain sicknesses and inoculations, (no, I can’t help you pick your lottery numbers) I can tell you that I feel that five gee is going to be a thing. And though intuitives aren’t necessarily supposed to share the doom and gloom that they see in people’s lives (i.e. we’re not supposed to tell you when you are supposed to die, or if we intuit that you have a certain disease, or there is an affair in your marriage) I am sharing this because I do feel that this world is at a crossroads and things can improve if we collectively seek knowledge, choose to make some changes, speak up, and take some sort of action, moving forward… So…here is your nugget of motivation to seek out more knowledge, if you choose. (And I don’t mean the “knowledge” that is coming from your evening news, but rather the knowledge that you need to spend some time digging up and finding in some unconventional places.)


Update: Check out my friend Amy’s experience with radiation and EMFs: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10158606926902005&id=621532004

truthseeker #shiftyourawareness #crossroads #takeaction #drmercola #WhyFry #EMFs #health #toxins #smartphone #sleepquality #healthyhome #fertility #suffering #routers #electronicdevice #towers #laptops #smartcars #MythOrFact #zinc #braincancer #oxidationlevels #shungite #nature #iodine #chronicillness #books #bloodpressure #dnadammage #cognitiveimpairment #memoryloss #skindisease #weakenedimmune #shortnessofbreath #nausea #hairloss #ColdSymptoms #flusymptoms #fatigue

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: hello@amberbytner.com if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: https://www.amberbytner.com and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at: https://www.amberbytner.com/blogs

You Don’t Need to Have Gone Though any Spiritual or Religious Training to Bless People, Places, or Things Around You.

We all have the power to send a blessing to another person, a specific area or to things (like food) before we eat it.  You don’t need to be religious, belong to a certain church or even have any specific religious or spiritual training to send a blessing. You can simple asked that something be “blessed” or you can ask that God/Source, Angels and even Spirit Guides bless…(fill in the blank.)

When you “bless” another person, place or thing, you raise its vibration. And, not that we are looking for anything in return, but when we send a blessing, we also raise our own vibration.

Recently, when illness, violence and fear started to spread during the Covid Pandemic and the riots in the city of Chicago, I would go for a walk each morning and send a blessing. When I got to the park that I consider to be the center of my neighborhood, I would picture a ball of light. I would ask “God, Angels and My Spirit Guides to… “Please bless and protect my neighborhood, my town, my county, my state, my country and the world from illness, violence, hate, and fear.” As I did this, I would picture the white light going out in a spiral, and I would visualize it first covering my town, my county, then the state, the United States, and then the entire globe. I did also say the town’s name, along with the county and state’s name, but there is no wrong way to send a blessing. When I was done asking for the blessing, I would say “thank you” or “and so it is.”

When it came to the above-mentioned blessing, I did ask assistance from God, Angels, and my Spirit Guides most of the time, but there were times that I also asked Mother Mary to assist, and I called upon Jesus Christ, as well. Again, there is no wrong way to send a blessing, just like there isn’t a wrong way to pray. My mentors have always taught me that as long as the intention is there, all is fine.

be blessedHere are some other examples on how to send a blessing:

  • As you say goodbye to someone, you can wish them to “Have a blessed day!” or “Bless your heart!”
  • Before you eat, you can say out loud or in your head, “Bless this food!
  • Maybe you see someone out in public, or at work who is going through something or struggling with something. In your head, you can say, “Bless that person.”
  • You can also ask that animals and geographic locations be blessed.
  • You can send a blessing to buildings, such as to schools. An example would be “Please bless and protect (i.e. School) and all of the students and staff who are there.”
  • You can also send a blessing to your children, family members and your friends.

The list can go on and on….

If this resonates with you, or you feel the pull to do so, try sending a blessing to someone or something today. When you are done, see if anything feels lighter or different to you.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: hello@amberbytner.com if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: https://www.amberbytner.com and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at: https://www.amberbytner.com/blogs

Forty Ways to Keep Busy

spending timeQuarantine for many is terrifying. Maybe you are finding yourself with more time on your hands than what you are used to?   Maybe you feel that you have less time? Time is a gift and we get to choose how we use it. Here is a list of 40 things that you can do to honor the time that you have been given.

  1. Get plenty of rest. (Rest keeps your body and mind healthy and strong.)
  2. Bake something. If you make a double batch, share with someone. Baking can also help with stress as some find it to be calming and soothing.
  3. Be present. To be present means to have your focus, your attention, your thoughts you’re your feelings all on the task is at hand. You are present when you let go of the past and you don’t focus on the future.
  4. Check-in with family, friends, and neighbors to see how they are doing. You can see if anybody needs anything.
  5. Clean your home, vehicle, and garage. A messy, dirty, or cluttered space can make a person feel anxious and less focused.
  6. De-clutter cabinets, drawers and closets. Clutter is nothing but unprocessed memories. Clear the clutter and give what you no longer need away. If you aren’t able to donate items, put them aside in a box and when you hear of someone needing something, go to that box and give  what is in need away.
  7. Detox your social media feeds and contacts. You are what you read and come in contact with every day. Social media is a magnet for negativity and fear and it has the ability to ignite panic and false information at an exponential rate. Protect your own energy and mental state by unfriending, un-following, hiding posts and/or muting people who spread negativity and fear into your world.
  8. Educate yourself on how to preserve food.
  9. Email or call local non-profit organizations in your area and ask how you can be of assistance.
  10. Establish a community garden where you live.
  11. Exercise your intuition and learn to trust it. We all have intuition. Gut feelings are intuition.
  12. Fill your home or space with positive energy. Play music, open the windows to let fresh air in, pull back the curtains to let natural light flow in, invite nature in with houseplants, hang things that make you happy, or add some color around you.
  13. Find a personal mantra or daily prayer that you can say when you get up in the morning or throughout your day. A personal mantra is an affirmation to motivate and inspire you to be your best self. It is typically a positive phrase or statement that you use to affirm the way you want to live your life.
  14. Find things or do things that make you laugh.
  15. Get familiar old fashioned remedies that you already have in your cabinets with things like apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, baking soda, cinnamon and turmeric (to name a few).
  16. Get moving! Exercise, walk, move your body or dance.
  17. If you are religious, use this time to strengthen your relationship with your God/Creator. If you are spiritual, use this time to strengthen your spirituality.
  18. If/when you start planting your garden, plant a little extra for neighbors and strangers.
  19. Incorporate gratitude into your day. Go for a walk and in your head think about what you are grateful for, or before you go to bed at night, recite a list and give thanks for what you are grateful for.
  20. Incorporate uplifting sound into your day through music, chanting or church hymns.
  21. If you have children, have them journal as well.
  22. Learn deep breathing techniques. Deep breathing can decrease stress, stimulate the lymphatic system and increase both immunity and energy.
  23. Learn to meditate. Meditation clears the mind, calms the body and helps with decision making.
  24. Look around your home for ways you can scale back on your water and electrical use.
  25. Observe how much food you waste and make changes accordingly.
  26. Offer support to first responders, hospital workers, and public health officials in your area.
  27. Organize old family photos. (If you have children, teach them about relatives in old photos.)
  28. Read the books you have never started. Re-read books that you already have read.
  29. Reconnect your body to the earth. This is also known as grounding (or earthing). Grounding neutralizes free radicals. One way to ground is to walk barefoot outside.
  30. Research and get familiar with the term “Mutual Aid.” Imagine living it.
  31. Search your home for items that you can fix or repurpose instead of throwing away.
  32. Share whatever you have with another.
  33. Smile at others.
  34. Spend time outside in nature.
  35. Start something you have always wanted to start like a hobby, an organization or a skill set.
  36. Take the time to write a letter or send a card to somebody who matters to you. Teach your children how to write a letter or note and mail it off.
  37. Teach yourself to play an instrument.
  38. Throw your weight behind anyone willing to take on difficulty for the well-being of the collective.
  39. Unsubscribe from email and mail solicitations that you no longer need or want.
  40. Use this time to release grudges and forgive those who you think have wronged you.

How are you spending your time? Drop me a line or comment below to let me know.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: hello@amberbytner.com if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: https://www.amberbytner.com and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at: https://www.amberbytner.com/blogs

Have you given Florida Water (Agua de Florida) a Try? It has been around for over 200 years, and it has some great uses for both you + your home.

Florida Water (Agua de Florida) is an all-purpose blessing in a bottle. And though it has been around for over 200 years, I only discovered Florida Water back in 2016.  You can use it for removing heavy vibrations and you can incorporate it in things like your laundry, household cleaning, as well as in baths. It is a great tool for attracting, grounding, purifying, protecting and cleansing.

What is Florida Water?

Despite the name, Florida Water is an alcohol-based, not water based, unisex cologne that was first introduced in America in the early 1800s by New York City perfumer Robert Murray. It was, and still is, formulated with citrus essences, clove, lavender, and other herbal and floral extracts. The founding company, Murray & Lanman advertised the cologne as “The Richest and Most Popular of All Perfumes.”

It was given the name “Florida water” because the Fountain of Youth is said to be somewhere in Florida, and in 1885, famed illustrator George du Maurier designed the Florida Water label, inspired by the search for the Fountain of Youth.

Image Source: Lesley Saligoe Botanicals

In 1936 Florida Water was mentioned in the newly-published novel at the time “Gone with the Wind”. Scarlett O’Hara was told by her mother that Florida Water was one of the only things “a lady may accept from a gentleman”.

Florida Water has been used over the years to tone the skin, freshen the air, calm the nerves, relieve headaches, reduce fevers, prevent infection, and soothe an itching scalp. Today, the Murray & Lanman brand of Florida Water is the most widely used, and the company claims it is still made with the original formula.

How to Use Florida Water.

  • Florida water can be bathed in, or used as a cologne. Add a few drops to a bath to rid yourself of negative energy and encourage protection; after a bath (or shower), dab some Florida Water on your head, neck, heart, and feet for protection and a feeling of balance.
  • Apply a small amount to a bug bite or sunburn for relief.
  • Ease aching joints and muscles by rubbing Florida Water on the problem area(s).
  • Energetically (and literally) clean things around your home including your floors, counters, work space, desk, in your laundry machine and your crystals (if you use them), and really any surface that can tolerate water. You can put Florida Water in an atomizer bottle, you can add it to a bucket of water, or you can put it in a bowl and use it straight.
  • Energetically cleanse yourself with Florida water by spraying it around you or putting a bit on your wrists.
  • Florida water can assist a person when they feel anxious, depressed or sad, as the scent has a relaxing effect.
  • Florida water can be used as a floor wash, just add a few capfuls to a bucket of water.
  • Florida water has been known to be used as a substitute for Holy Water.
  • Headaches (due to excitement or nervousness) can be relieved by applying Florida Water to the temples and forehead.
  • To alleviate fever symptoms, apply compresses of Florida Water to the forehead and abdomen.
  • Similar to Palo Santo oil or sage, Florida Water can be used to remove negative or heavy vibrations (energy) from a space.
  • Some use Florida Water for Manifestation.
  • Use it before or after shaving to soften your skin.
  • When blessing and cleansing a new home, use Florida Water to anoint your floors, windows and doorways for protection, prosperity and luck.
Image Source: Amazon.com

Just a note: Florida Water is flammable, so always be mindful when using it around candles or an open flame.

Get or Make your Own.

You can make your own Florida Water. There are a variety of recipes on the internet using both herbs and essential oils, depending on which recipe you try. All recipes will call for vodka. I have heard on more than one occasion that it doesn’t matter the quality, brand or price of the vodka as the end result will all be the same.

If you are interested in purchasing it, you can purchase Florida Water at drug stores and supermarkets and metaphysical shops. You can also find it online. I like to purchase mine directly from Lanman & Kemp, Barclay & Co. at: https://floridawater.com/


#aguadeflorida #anointing #blessing #cleansing #cologne #floorwash #floridawater #fountainofyouth #gonewiththewind #holywater #negatethenegative #perfume  #raiseyourvibration #unisexcologne #empath #empathlife #empathtipsandtricks #lifestyletipsandtricks

Featured image source: Impulse Publishing