Empaths Can Suffer from Magnesium Deficiency

Empaths Can Suffer from Magnesium Deficiency which can lead to symptoms like muscle cramps, tingling sensations, anxiety and/or depression. Because of the stress in their bodies from the energy that they accumulate from other people and places, empaths can burn through their natural magnesium supply at a much faster rate which leaves them depleted.

Some good sources of magnesium include leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, as well as legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Some examples include almonds, black beans, black-eyed peas, cashews, chia seeds, chickpeas, edamame, peanuts pumpkin seeds quinoa and soy nuts.

Avocados, tofu, and dark chocolate are also a good source of magnesium.


Protection Prayer to Start your Day

I have a daily prayer of protection that I use that you might also want to incorporate into your day.

Prayer is when you ask for something. It is when you talk to God, Source, your past loved ones, or your spiritual team. Meditation is when you listen or receive answers and information from God, Source, your past loved ones, or your spiritual team.

There is no right or wrong way to pray and you can change or tweak or tailor any prayer to fit your individual needs or requests. Below is a morning prayer that I use. I sometimes address this prayer to one of my spirit guides who is a protector, and other times I ask it of my angels and spirit guides,  but you can say it to God, Source, your ancestors, Archangel Michael (who defends and protects against evil) your angels and spirit guides, or to  anyone else on your spiritual or angelic team you choose.

Sometimes my list of who and what I ask to be protected changes as things and events change around me. Other times I add more to the end of the prayer if I need certain assistance in getting through my day. You get the idea. You can use the prayer that I provided above, or make a variation of it, or use something completely different. Do as you feel you need to.


As an Empath, You May Find it Easier to be More Productive When Others are Asleep

As an Empath, you may find that you are more productive when you wake up early before others do, or stay up late after others have gone to rest. As Empaths, we can feel the energy of all living things, obviously this includes people. And though the whole world doesn’t really sleep all at the same time, people who live with us, or who live near us are generally in a state of rest at the same time. When those near us are at rest, so is their energy and therefore an Empath can use this as an opportunity to revitalize their energy and to actively accomplish things. This can be especially helpful if you live with multiple people, or in a densely populated area. You may feel that you are able to get more things done and feel more at peace while doing them.

Are you an Empath? An Empath can feel and take on other people’s (both positive and negative) emotions, energy and, or, physical symptoms,  and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others. Empaths are emotional sponges and have a higher sensitivity to outside stimuli such as sounds, crowds, and hectic environments. Empaths are gifted at reading body language and energy and have the intuitive gift of Clairempathy. You can read about the traits of being an Empath by following this link: https://www.amberbytner.com/empath


#EmpathLife #Empath #EnergyisEverything #Peace #Productivity #EmpathTips

What if stay-at-home orders, quarantining and social distancing are giving us the space and time that we need to reflect and evaluate the current path that we are on?

91436211_848307212357667_7070134176355188736_oWhat if stay-at-home orders, quarantining and social distancing are giving us the space and time that we need to reflect and evaluate the current path that we are on?
What if during this time, we are being given the opportunity to make changes or adjustments, or to choose an entirely different path all together?


Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: hello@amberbytner.com if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: https://www.amberbytner.com and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at: https://www.amberbytner.com/blogs

It has been Suggested that we “Prep” for “Significant Disruption” for the Arrival of the Impending Coronavirus. Are you Prepping? Would you Like to Know How I am Preparing?

Today, I had a Google alert ping my phone with a warning that the CDC put out stating that Americans should start preparing for not “if” but “when” the Coronavirus is going to disrupt our lives here in the States.

Everyday this virus is becoming more and more dramatic in the media and on social media which is spreading fear and creating chaos. Locally, the other day, I was in the grocery store and the few people who I was with at the checkout where discussing “what-ifs” if they were to contract the virus. And regularly my kids are coming home from school sharing what they have heard at school from classmates (out of the mouths of babes) about the Coronavirus which is mostly inaccurate information.

teaI don’t want to come across that I am making light of a virus that has been dangerous for the very old, the very young, and those who have a weak immune system and has unfortunately claimed a lives.  This “fire drill” however, is giving me flashbacks to the Swine Flu (which was considered a “Flu Pandemic” back in 2009, which everyone panicked about), as well as the Bird Flu, the Zika Virus, Ebola, and let’s not forget SARS and MERS.

As I write this today, in China, more than 50 million people are on lockdown as authorities race to try to contain the outbreak of the deadly Coronavirus that has killed at least 80 people and infected thousands of others so far. News of the virus has prompted some concern in the United States, but a more common virus is posing a greater threat to Americans — the flu.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that so far this season, there have been at least 15 million flu illnesses for the 2019-2020 season, 140,000 hospitalizations and 8,200 deaths in the U.S. The CDC reports there have been 54 reported flu-related pediatric deaths this season from Influenza B viruses.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the flu causes up to 5 million cases of severe illness globally and kills up to 650,000 people annually.

I am not a doctor so this isn’t actual medical advice, but would you like to know how I am prepping for my family? At this time, I am making sure that I have the following on hand, (which we already do, as it is flu and cold season): Tea, water and soup (fluids), Tylenol/cookies and wineIbuprofen, Vitamin C, Elderberry Syrup, and an essential oil roller bottle mixture that I refer to as a “flu and cold bomb” (that I put on my kids or myself whenever we start to feel under the weather). Perhaps I will also make sure that I have a bottle or two of wine on hand, and a box or two of Girl Scout Cookies in the event the event that we have to hunker down. Panic is not part of my prep process.

All kidding aside, in our household, we are taking this “warning” in stride.  How about you?


Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: hello@amberbytner.com if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: https://www.amberbytner.com and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at: https://www.amberbytner.com/blogs