“What if we just lived presently in the season that we are in?” 

I collect nutcrackers and found this gem the other day. I went back and forth in my head about it as I walked around the store with it. “What if we just lived presently in the season that we are in?” 

Most of us are guilty….We can never just live in the current season, can we? The constant push for us to get excited for the next weather season or holiday is designed to make us buy more. It is designed to make us feel the need to “keep up” with others, to numb us and to sedate us. As a society, we tend to race towards instant gratification. We think about a season or holiday and we want it NOW. In the case of the nutcracker in my cart, does it matter that it isn’t even Halloween yet? It almost seems like it is unreasonable, or even rebellious, to focus on a season or a holiday in its actual calendar month? (Living in the future and not in the present moment can actually lead to, or add to, one’s “anxiety” but that is another discussion.) 

Retailers love this race, and influencers help to push it! In fact, they designed it. They want us to start shopping earlier and earlier, for decorations and for gifts. I mean if I didn’t grab this nutcracker before the calendar actually said fall, the darn thing wouldn’t be available when I start decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, right!? Ego says: “If I don’t buy it now, I might be without.” It is almost like a flight or flight response. There is almost a competitiveness to get the item before it is gone. By purchasing this now, I am having a reactive response to the 50% off sale that is going on right now, in September, to something I don’t really need until December. 

But wait. How does this consumerism, materialism, instant gratification and the rushing of holidays and season, tie into consciousness?  

Consciousness is not a place, but rather the individual awareness of your unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environments. Essentially, your consciousness is your awareness of yourself and the world around you. There are different levels or state of consciousness. The characteristics listed above (consumerism, materialism, instant gratification, not living in the present moment), are representative of 3D consciousness. Other characteristics include being emotionally charged by the past or the future, having actions based on fear, or being ego centric or self serving. Competition, accumulation, pride and power all fall in this category as well. 

As a comparison, some characteristics of 5D consciousness include: being in a “flow state,” being mindful, living in the present, and being more “soul” based, than “ego” based. Humility, altruism, and simplicity are also characteristics of this state or level of consciousness. materialism and consumerism don’t have a place in 5D consciousness. (As a side note, we can float back and forth between different levels of consciousness as we live out our earthly experiences.) 

Every year about this time I can’t help but to think, “Can we just live in the current season?” The choice is yours I suppose. 

My wish for you is to enjoy the season you are in. 


#indiansummer #fall #christmas #consumerism #liveinthepresentmoment #3D #5D #consciousness #awakening #evolve #soul #ego #instantgratification #humility #altruism #simplicity  #backtobasics #shiftyourawareness #backtobasicstip

In any Toxic System (marriage, family tree, workplace, social circle, etc.) Empaths especially, tend to be the Scapegoat. Are you one?

Scapegoating can apply in any arena where people socialize. Scapegoating selects the most sensitive and emotionally intelligent person within the system, and your only fault as the scapegoat, is being mentally and emotionally strong enough the bear the burden of such abuse. Being the scapegoat means that either consciously or unconsciously others have formed a discrediting campaign against you and have targeted you for shame, blame, rejection, humiliation, and abuse, to avoid looking at themselves and their own problems. As the scapegoat, you pose a threat to the system because you see through the dysfunction.

It is important to note that there is research that suggests that people who are mentally ill or emotionally unstable are far more likely to scapegoat others. And those who attack/target/pick the scapegoat do so in order to release their pent up frustrations and deep feelings of abandonment, ‘toxic shame’, or self-hatred.

Scapegoating does have biblical origins and refers to a goat set free into the wilderness to carry away the sins of the group on its small shoulders. It was not killed like its counterpart, the blood sacrifice. So, although it may not feel this way, there is freedom in being scapegoated.

People who are scapegoated tend to have the following traits. Do you relate to most, if not all, on the list?

  • You are Highly Empathic – You have an ability to passionately understand, recognize, connect with, and share the emotions of others. And although you may be able to feel empathetic, that doesn’t automatically mean that you are an empath.
  • You are an independent person.
  • You are disrespected and discredited by those who should be your equal.
  • You are held to a different standard.
  • You are highly sensitive, including to other people’s energy.
  • You are left out of events, and/or conversations.
  • You are punished for telling the truth – Anytime you speak the truth, you are rebuked.
  • You are resourceful.
  • You are very creative – Empaths experience unfamiliar and often powerful emotions, which can make them more creative than most.
  • You display honesty, vulnerability and have emotional strength.
  • You don’t conform to family, workplace or system rules or patterns just for the sake of doing so.
  • You point out issues that you feel need to be addressed.
  • You question authority – You don’t question authority because you are trying to be difficult, but rather because you see through a flawed system.
  • You receive little or no praise, support or encouragement for your accomplishments.
  • You tend to be codependent – A codependent is someone whose feelings, thoughts, and actions revolve around another person. Empaths can have codependent tendencies but not all codependents are empaths.
  • You tend to have a higher frequency/higher vibration than of those around you.
  • Your character or reputation tends to get tarnished by others who speak poorly of you instead of facing their own dysfunction.

Being a scapegoat can be a rough role to play, but no matter how tough it is, it is a lot better than fitting in with the people who are doing the attacking. In order to heal from scapegoating, we need to face our past, acknowledge it, then take our focus off of it and forgive anyone we need to forgive, including ourselves. (Remember that forgiveness is about setting you free.) Let go of everything (and even everyone) that no longer serves your highest good. Acknowledge the patters, understand where they came from, and make changes to do better every day so that such patterns are not carried forward to others generations or to the people around you.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: hello@amberbytner.com if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: https://www.amberbytner.com and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at: https://www.amberbytner.com/blogs

Keep Calm! What if COVID-19 (a.k.a. The Coronavirus) is Just a Paradigm Shift?

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Keep Calm! What if COVID-19 (a.k.a. The Coronavirus) is Just a Paradigm Shift?

What if the “Virus” is doing exactly what it is supposed to do?  To dismantle which no longer serves us?

I know that it is hard right now, but it is VERY important to NOT get swept up in the panic and anxiety surrounding what is going on in the world around us right now. The fear and panic is manifesting low (negative or heavy) vibrational energy. PLEASE DO NO ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE DRAGGED DOWN. It is important that we all hold ourselves at a HIGHER VIBRATIONAL LEVEL.  What if the “Coronavirus” is really just a paradigm shift? A paradigm shift is defined as “an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking, or doing something, is replaced by a new and different way.”  What if this shift will bring about changes within us, within our society and even within our planet? What if this shift or change will make us look at the world around us differently and as a result we will go about our daily lives differently? What if this shift helps us to shed what no longer serves us, or our highest good? What if this shift teaches us to get back to basics and live a simpler life? What if this shift opens our eyes to the idea that sharing makes more sense than trying to be successful on our own? This isn’t a bad thing, it is just different than what we are used to. What if all of this “down-time” we are experiencing is giving us time to hit the “reset button” along with time to think and reflect? Change can be scary, but that is why it is important that we keep our vibrational levels high (positive).  We must not react from a place of fear, but from a place of compassion. Things like war, violence, racism, greed and hatred are NOT the answer. We cannot solve any problem if we remain at a low vibration. If you want to do your part in smoothing the transition that we are currently experiencing, raise your vibration.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: hello@amberbytner.com if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: https://www.amberbytner.com and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at: https://www.amberbytner.com/blogs

Check out my other Blog that Chronicles my Awakening Journey

I have another blog that chronicles my awakening journey and the development of some of my gifts. A few years back I started to experience many random and unexplained medical symptoms that western medicine doctors and specialists could never explain. I also discovered that I was an Empath. Some of the posts discuss the highs, lows, the confusion, as well as the symptoms that I have experienced so far. The blog is called: Guided By Spirit: Chronicling My Journey of Awakening My journey is chronicled in this blog in the hopes of helping others as I share my experience.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: hello@amberbytner.com if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: https://www.amberbytner.com and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at: https://www.amberbytner.com/blogs