Here is an easy Exercise to help you to Detox from Relationships that are not Serving your Highest Good

Along your awakening journey, you may notice that certain people or relationships fall away, or detox (rid) themselves from you, that are no longer in alignment with you, and they do so on their own. Relationships with these individuals might no longer serve you, meaning that they are hindering you from growing, learning, or walking steadily down your own and unique path. Perhaps you notice that you no longer relate to them, or that you can no longer tolerate them, their behavior/habits, or even their toxicity.

Along your awakening journey, you may also notice that you need to take stock of your life and at times decide to actively detox or remove certain people or relationships from your life for the same reasons as mentioned above. You will especially notice this as your frequency rises, as the people around you have a direct impact on your vibrational frequency.

 If you are wondering who should stay, and who should go, or better yet if you should stay in these relationships or let them go (as I type this I am hearing the song “Should I Stay or Should I Go” by The Clash, play in my head, LOL!) I have an easy exercise that can help you with this.

Here we go: Write down 5 things that are essential for you to have in any relationship, and then make of list of 5 things that you desire in a relationship. (Feel free to list more if you’d like.) Next, review what you have written down and process it for a bit. This list, at the present moment, should serve as both the groundwork and even the boundaries that you use in determining the people and relationships that you allow in your life, at the present time.  As you and your needs change, it is okay to repeat this exercise and see if any adjustments to the people in your life need to be changed.

Remember, it is okay to love people from a distance, but you don’t necessarily need to have a relationship with them or have them be an active part of your life. Do what is best for you, your energy and your constantly evolving path.


Shift your Awareness, Consciousness, and Understanding

To shift your awareness of yourself, as well as the world around you, you need to be open to explore beyond your usual way of thinking. (Another name for “awareness” is “understanding” or “consciousness,” and it is subjective and unique to you.) When you shift your awareness you change and expand your usual way of thinking, your belief systems, your actions, as well as your attitude. Your change in thinking can apply to anything – your job, your relationships, your home, your health, your family, religion, spirituality, politics, education, the environment and even the planet. This shift starts with you. Once you are open to expanding your thinking, you will start to transform. Your transformation will help you heal in areas of your life you may or may not have known needed healing. As you transform and heal, you evolve. As you heal yourself, you heal the planet. Evolution is constant; however, your shifting depends on how receptive and open you are to healing, unlearning programs and change.


Have you been releasing anything lately? Or have you noticed certain things falling away from you/your life??

Have you been releasing anything lately? Or have you noticed certain things falling away from you/your life?? During this time, things that are not serving our highest good are clearing away. We are going through a bit of a cleanse or a detox right now.
What has changed, disappeared or altered?
What about your JOB or the way that you do your job? Are you really going to ever be back in your place of work 5 days a week from 9-5 if you can be productive from home? Is business travel necessary if meetings can take place online? Maybe you are re-evaluating a different career path all together or looking for an alternative source of income?
What about the PEOPLE you normally would hang out with, or your RELATIONSHIPS? Many of us haven’t been able to have physical contact with those in our social circle, but have some of those people started to show you their true colors in recent months? Maybe by how they are handling the pandemic? Maybe they have shown you through their social media posts? Maybe things are coming to light, or to the surface in one way or another? Are “your people” maybe not the people who you thought that they were? Are you evolving to the point that you don’t relate to some of the people you used to hang with? Maybe you have realized that it it time to move on?
What about your daily BEAUTY ROUTINE? (That has clearly changed while most of us have been home for the past few month.) If you’ve lived without certain products or services up to this point, do you really ever need all of them again? Maybe you are re-evaluating your spending habits and have decided there are things in your daily beauty routine that you can live without? Maybe you can find things in your cabinets or pantries at home that work just as good as expensive store bought products?
What about your FASHION CHOICES? After we’ve dressed in comfort for so long, why would we ever want to suffer in tight or uncomfortable clothing again? Maybe you have realized that you only wear a few outfits or the same pieces of clothing on a regular basis and there isn’t a need for many of the items in your closet that you thought that you needed? What about the “quality” of the clothes or shoes that you buy? Are you maybe considering if you purchased better-made items, they would last longer and you would not have replace things as often, or produce as much waste when you discard worn out items?
Are you not into REALITY TV like you used to be? Perhaps the “drama” seems tone deaf lately? Or perhaps, just like in other places in our world, you see the “masks” falling off of the people you follow/watch and they are not the people they portrayed themselves to be in their show or social media? Perhaps you’ve come to realize that you have better things to do with your time than watch senseless drama?
What about the choice of BUSYNESS? Was running around to your kids’ 10,000 activities really serving your family’s highest good? When things resume, will all of these activities be asked for by your children or enjoyed?
Are you re-evaluating your current FOOD SOURCE? Are you releasing the idea that you need to depend on a store for your food? Maybe you are deciding that you or your community can produce your own food or use local resources to get what you need?
What about traditional EDUCATION? What is actually needed for learning when it comes to the location and time spent learning?
When you release things, or the idea of things, that no longer serve your highest good, you are making room for the things that do or will serve your highest good! CHANGE will come with this cleanse or detox, and for many, change can be scary. If you release what is no longer serving your highest good, you will make room for better things, for a better way of life, to come your way. Start taking notice of what is changing, disappearing or being altered in your life and in the world right now as we go through this cleanse.
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