Daily School Bus Prayer

It is back-to-school time for many which means many of our own children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews; along with other children within our communities, will be boarding transportation other than our own, to get them to and from, where they need to go.

Over the years while watching my children’s bus drive away, or while following other busses out of my neighborhood or around town, I have found myself giving a prayer of protection and safety for all who are on board.

“Archangel Michael, Please bless and protect all passengers on this bus, as well as all other bus riders and drivers in our school district and town, today and always.
Thank you and so it is!”

As a reminder, You Don’t Need to Have Gone Though any Spiritual or Religious Training to Bless People, Places, or Things Around You. You can also change or edit the prayer that I use. You can call in other people and energies to assist as well, i.e. God, Source, your angels and spirit guides, your child’s angels and guides…you get the idea. I use Archangel Michael for this particular prayer because he is a fierce warrior and defender of the children.