Selenite can Remove Dense Energies from People, Places and even Things

Selenite is a crystallized form of mineral gypsum, created when calcium-rich salt water evaporates. You might see selenite in the form of a wand, a palm stone, a flat plate (charging plate) or in the shape of a tower. It has a camling effect and it is fast and effective at cleansing unwanted, negative or stagnant energy from the auric field, the physical etheric body, as well as any objects that are in its environment.

Some benefits of Selenite include:

• Aids physical balance.
• Amplifies other crystals.
• Calms nightmares.
• Can detox the body of impurities (To do this, hold for 30 seconds to a minute in the palm of your hand, or even longer. You can sleep with it under your pillow or at your feet, too.)
• Cleanse your aura/auric field.
• Cleanse your jewelry.
• Cleanses and charges other crystals.
• Cleanses and purifies its’ environment.
• Clears/removes negative energy.
• Good for memory.
• Its’ calming properties make it ideal for meditation and spiritual work.
• Opens inner self to the spiritual world.
• Provides mental clarity.
• Said to help support physical healing, boost the immune system.
• Self-cleansing.
• Soothing energy – (Relieves stress and anxiety).

Selenite clears negativity all around it no matter the person, place or object. I keep Selenite throughout my home and I even have one placed in my car.


Here is an easy Exercise to help you to Detox from Relationships that are not Serving your Highest Good

Along your awakening journey, you may notice that certain people or relationships fall away, or detox (rid) themselves from you, that are no longer in alignment with you, and they do so on their own. Relationships with these individuals might no longer serve you, meaning that they are hindering you from growing, learning, or walking steadily down your own and unique path. Perhaps you notice that you no longer relate to them, or that you can no longer tolerate them, their behavior/habits, or even their toxicity.

Along your awakening journey, you may also notice that you need to take stock of your life and at times decide to actively detox or remove certain people or relationships from your life for the same reasons as mentioned above. You will especially notice this as your frequency rises, as the people around you have a direct impact on your vibrational frequency.

 If you are wondering who should stay, and who should go, or better yet if you should stay in these relationships or let them go (as I type this I am hearing the song “Should I Stay or Should I Go” by The Clash, play in my head, LOL!) I have an easy exercise that can help you with this.

Here we go: Write down 5 things that are essential for you to have in any relationship, and then make of list of 5 things that you desire in a relationship. (Feel free to list more if you’d like.) Next, review what you have written down and process it for a bit. This list, at the present moment, should serve as both the groundwork and even the boundaries that you use in determining the people and relationships that you allow in your life, at the present time.  As you and your needs change, it is okay to repeat this exercise and see if any adjustments to the people in your life need to be changed.

Remember, it is okay to love people from a distance, but you don’t necessarily need to have a relationship with them or have them be an active part of your life. Do what is best for you, your energy and your constantly evolving path.


Common Health Issues for Empaths

An Empath is a highly sensitive person who is naturally tuned into all types of energy (both positive and negative) that is being emitted by humans (including their emotions and physical symptoms), animals, the environment, electromagnetic frequencies, geophysical stress (i.e. weather, natural disasters) and even non-physical beings. They are emotional sponges and have a higher sensitivity to outside stimuli such as sounds, smell, taste, touch, crowds, and hectic environments. Empaths have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive reading body language, gestures, tone of voice, and energy. They can also sense thoughts, feelings, emotions and illness. They also have the intuitive gift of Clairempathy.

Many Emapths seem to have health issues and stuggles in common with one another, including:

• Autoimmune Issues
• Digestive issues – (Solar Plexus)
• Emotions (they aren’t always your emotions that you feel.)
• Ever-changing food/cosmetic sensitivities and intolerances
• Fatigue – (Overstimulation can leads to fatigue)
• Fibromyalgia
• Inflammation
• Nutritional/vitamin deficiencies

These issues are many times realted to “energy” issues or blocks within the body. In other cases, as one’s energetic sensitivites increase, so does the senstivites within their body.

Supposedly only 1 to 2 percent of the population are Emapths and they bring a lot of heart and care to the world and feel things very deeply. It is important for an Empath to learn how to protect their own energy, how to re-charge, and how to practice self-care as they navigate in today’s world.


Challenging Places for Emapths

An Empath is a highly sensitive person who is naturally tuned into all types of energy (both positive and negative) that is being emitted by humans (including their emotions and physical symptoms), animals, the environment, electromagnetic frequencies, geophysical stress (i.e. weather, natural disasters) and even non-physical beings. They are emotional sponges and have a higher sensitivity to outside stimuli such as sounds, smell, taste, touch, crowds, and hectic environments. Empaths have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive reading body language, gestures, tone of voice, and energy. They can also sense thoughts, feelings, emotions and illness. They also have the intuitive gift of Clairempathy.

Some places can be challenging for an Emapth becuase of the current or residual energy that those places hold. Some examples include:

• Angry/Toxic/Negative Environments
• Antique Shops/Flea Markets
• Bustling Cities
• Crowded/Public Places
• Group Therapy Sessions
• Historical Tours/Landmarks
• Hospitals
• Hotels
• Malls/Stores
• Memorial Sites
• Planes, Trains, and Busses

Supposedly only 1 to 2 percent of the population are Emapths and they bring a lot of heart and care to the world and feel things very deeply. It is important for an Empath to learn how to protect their own energy, how to re-charge, and how to practice self-care as they navigate in today’s world.


External Sensitivities and Triggers for Empaths

An Empath is a highly sensitive person who is naturally tuned into all types of energy (both positive and negative) that is being emitted by humans (including their emotions and physical symptoms), animals, the environment, electromagnetic frequencies, geophysical stress (i.e. weather, natural disasters) and even non-physical beings. They are emotional sponges and have a higher sensitivity to outside stimuli such as sounds, smell, taste, touch, crowds, and hectic environments. Empaths have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive reading body language, gestures, tone of voice, and energy. They can also sense thoughts, feelings, emotions and illness. They also have the intuitive gift of Clairempathy.

Empaths can become bothered, or their nerves become frazzled by external sensitivities and triggers. Some examples include:

• Alcohol
• Crowded spaces
• Drop in blood sugar
• Electro-magnetic sensitivity (EMFs)
• Energy Vampires
• Feeling rushed or perceiving chaos from others
• Foods
• Medication
• Lack of authenticity/fakeness in others
• Latex products
• Light
• Loud Noises, Raised voices/Sound (chewing)
• Overload of information
• Smells, including odors or chemicals
• Visual overwhelm

Supposedly only 1 to 2 percent of the population are Emapths and they bring a lot of heart and care to the world and feel things very deeply. It is important for an Empath to learn how to protect their own energy, how to re-charge, and how to practice self-care as they navigate in today’s world.


Empaths can “Read the Room”

As an empath, you will find that you can walk into a, (fill-in-the-blank, really) room, a house, an office, a party, a restaurant or even a store and feel the energy of that space and the people in it. You might notice (or feel) that the energy of the space feels dense, happy, angry, chaotic, malicious, somber or light-hearted. Does it feel sad, defeated, on edge or gossipy? This isn’t a “skill” that everyone has, but it comes easy for an Empath and they can actually use this to their advantage.

The overall energy in the room will help you to determine if you need to protect yourself or you can stay open. (I would advise anytime you are surrounded by a group of people that you SHOULD protect yourself to some degree.) You might also sense that you need to put distance between you and certain individuals in the room, or, when possible, to make an exit all together.  Follow your gut. You’ll know instinctively what to do. (You may want to read: A Little Space (Away From Negative or Toxic People) Never Hurt Anybody.)

When you can read a room, you can sense who might be a good person to talk to, and you can also shift how you speak to people by the energy you are sensing. There may also be people in the room that you are attracted to energetically, which will make for easy and meaningful conversation.


You might also want to read:

You Can’t Hide Negativity from an Empath, They Can Sense It.

Empaths can Remove Accumulated Energy by Taking a Shower or a Bath

The Person that Everyone Tiptoes Around is the most Toxic Person in the Room.” When you are Tiptoeing, you are out of Alignment.

Protect your Energy in the Workplace by Building a Solid Social Circle

Empaths can Suffer from Inflammation

Do you find that you suffer from inflammation?

A common ailment many empaths experience is inflammation. The constant feeling and filtering of energies can create static in our energetic body. Our energetic body is connected to our physical body. That being said, what we experience in our spiritual or energetic body more often than not has physical effects. When we neglect our self-care and energetic hygiene, we can experience inflammation in the body. Inflammation can cause illness, slow us down, cloud our channel, and cause discomfort.

From a physical body perspective, inflammation points to stagnation in the lymphatic system. We can physically move our lymph with practices like dry-brushing, gua sha, massage or movement. It’s important to practice physical care in order to keep our lymph moving and avoid inflammation. Staying hydrated and exercising are both great ways to soothe inflammation as an empath, too.


#empath #empathailments #empathlife #energyiseverything #inflammation #selfcare

If you are wearing shoes, you are overdressed! Why grounding is important to both our spiritual and physical energy.

Maybe you’ve heard of it, but if you haven’t, grounding, also known as earthing, is the practice of connecting with the earth’s surface by walking barefoot, sitting, or lying on the ground. Grounding is the act of balancing your spiritual and physical energy by connecting yourself with the earth. To be grounded is to be energetically centered, to give your energy a point of focus. The process of grounding brings us back to physical reality. It reminds us to live in the present moment and be conscious of what is happening around us. When you find yourself feeling detached from the “real world,” grounding can help you to shift your focus and be mindful of the here and now. Our bodies starve to be in contact with the earth’s electricity on a daily basis. The same natural dirt that provides us with a surface to live on, and space to grow our food charges our bodies with much needed negative ions.

We all have energetic bodies and everything around us comes from pure energy. We can pick up energy from other people and places, from the things we watch, to the things we read to technology and electronic devices. Today’s technology has a way of infecting us with “dirty energy” or energy that hurts us instead of helps us. Ironically, it’s the positive ions that cause us the most harm. Exposing ourselves to more positive ions (electrical energy or dirty energy) than negative ions over a lifetime or less can destroy our health. If you are an energy worker or sensitive to energy around you (i.e. an empath, a medium, reiki practitioner) grounding yourself is even more crucial because you are an energetic sponge, more so than others.

Life is also all about balance and as earthly beings we truly belong in close quarters to the most natural areas of this planet. Additionally, we are not meant to be indoors and to wear rubber soles every time we leave the house. Modern living has definitely limited the raw contact our bodies have to the earth below our feet. Our bodies starve to be in contact with the earth’s electricity on a daily basis. The cure is the earth’s natural healing powers. It’s free and easy to obtain. There’s no catch! Once our skin makes contact with the earth, those positive ions are neutralized and we are again in balance. Balance equals living well, good health and prosperity. Most importantly we will feel great!

There are 21 published studies that prove that grounding ourselves can help with chronic inflammation – a major factor in most diseases. Grounding or earthing every day could improve inflammation, immune responses, and wound healing. It also found that earthing could improve the quality of sleep, reduce pain, decrease muscle tension, and lower stress. It can also improve sleep, normalize the day–night cortisol rhythm, reduce pain, reduce stress, shift the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic toward parasympathetic activation, increase heart rate variability, speed wound healing, and reduce blood viscosity. It is also said to increase physical energy and to treat anxiety naturally.

Grounding is great for anyone, but it is an especially important practice for energy workers, empaths, reiki practitioners, mediums, psychics, and those having a spiritual awakening.


#grounding #earthing #empath #reiki #energyworker #healer #medium #psychic #spiritualawakening #wellness #ions #chronicinflammation #immuneresponse #woundhealing #cortisol #pain #stress #muscletension #sleep #heartrate #energy #anxiety 

Empaths can Suffer from Digestive Issues

When empaths don’t have good energetic hygiene (in other words, spiritual self-care) it is common to experience digestive issues.

Our Solar Plexus is known as the seat of our emotions and is located in our upper abdomen. An essential part of the body’s nervous system, the solar plexus plays a large role in keeping our organs functioning smoothly and preparing the body to respond to stress by making changes in metabolism. At times, the solar plexus causes changes in the body in response to stress and produces a fight-or-flight response, including anxiety. As empaths, when we feel the emotions of others in excess, it can create a variety of issues all connected to this area.

To protect your gut and maintain balanced health in your digestive system, its important to cultivate strong boundaries and also armor yourself physically. If you are interested in promoting the health and balance of your solar plexus, you may wish to explore breathwork, yoga, nutrition changes, affirmations and energy work. See what works best for you.


#empath #empathailments #empathlife #energyiseverything #digestiveissues #solarplexus #anxiety #selfcare

Essential Oils can Help Raise your Vibration

Along my awakening journey I discovered essential oils. I use all sorts of brands, some of which holistic providers have recommended, most of which are not part of MLM or pyramid-based companies. There are many positive uses for essential oils, but did you know that they can assist in raising your vibration?

Everything is energy, that includes the plants that oils are derived from, which means that essential oils each have their own frequencies, too. For humans, maintaining a high frequency in your body is key to staying healthy. As your frequency drops, your immune system lowers its guard. This opens the door to disease and illness taking hold of your body. (You can learn more about vibration here.)

Frequencies are measured on a Hertz Scale. The hertz is the derived unit of frequency in the International System of Units and is defined as cycles per one second. It is named after Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, the first person to provide conclusive proof of the existence of electromagnetic waves. There is varying information out there as to what vibration the human body is, but it varies around 9 to 16 Hz The vibration of essential oils supposedly ranges from 52 MHz to 320 MHz. (Rose has the highest frequency of 320 MHz.)

There are many ways to use and apply essential oils, from diffusing them, to inhaling/diffusing them, to mixing them with a carrier oil and applying to your skin. When applying them to your skin, you can gently rub oil (mixed with a carrier oil) into places such as your neck, forehead, temples, wrists, chest, and stomach. This also includes extremities like your arms, legs, and the bottoms of your feet.

Here are a few examples of the vibration that essential oils carry:

  • Rose: 320 MHz
  • Helichrysum: 181 MHz
  • Frankincense: 147 MHz
  • Lavender: 118 MHz
  • Bergamot: 105 MHz
  • Myrrh: 105 MHz
  • Melissa: 102 MHz
  • Sandalwood and Juniper: 98 MHz
  • Peppermint: 78 MHz
  • Basil: 52 MHz

If you are interested in learning more about essential oils, I found these two books to be useful:

Healing Oils of the Bible – by David Stewart

The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, Revised and Expanded: Over 800 Natural, Nontoxic, and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health, Beauty, and Safe Home and Work Environments – by Valerie Ann Worwood

The next time you need to raise your vibration, consider giving essential oils a try.


You can read more about vibration and frequency here:

You can learn healing yourself can help to heal the collective:

As an Empath, do you ever find that your intuition is always spot on?

Empaths frequently have a keen sense of intuition, so their instincts and gut feelings are typically correct. Beyond what can be seen, they have a profound understanding of people and situations.


Learn more about being an empath here:

I have a private Facebook Group that focuses on the challenges of being an Empath. I started the group when I couldn’t find information, or many resources to assist me. If you are looking for more information to help you as an Empath, or to connect with more like-minded people, consider joining:

Empaths Can Suffer from Magnesium Deficiency

Empaths Can Suffer from Magnesium Deficiency which can lead to symptoms like muscle cramps, tingling sensations, anxiety and/or depression. Because of the stress in their bodies from the energy that they accumulate from other people and places, empaths can burn through their natural magnesium supply at a much faster rate which leaves them depleted.

Some good sources of magnesium include leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, as well as legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Some examples include almonds, black beans, black-eyed peas, cashews, chia seeds, chickpeas, edamame, peanuts pumpkin seeds quinoa and soy nuts.

Avocados, tofu, and dark chocolate are also a good source of magnesium.


You Can’t Hide Negativity from an Empath, They Can Sense It.

Empaths have the ability to feel good and bad emotions, energy and experiences; and this also includes feelings of negativity, jealousy, envy and hatred coming from others. This negativity doesn’t necessarily need to be directed at an Empath directly for them to feel or sense it. Highly sensitive people are vulnerable to the negativity of others, and techniques like shielding can help with deflecting and not absorbing negativity.

Empaths have the ability to feel good and bad emotions, energy and experiences; and this also includes feelings of negativity, jealousy and hatred coming from others.

As an Empath, You May Find it Easier to be More Productive When Others are Asleep

As an Empath, you may find that you are more productive when you wake up early before others do, or stay up late after others have gone to rest. As Empaths, we can feel the energy of all living things, obviously this includes people. And though the whole world doesn’t really sleep all at the same time, people who live with us, or who live near us are generally in a state of rest at the same time. When those near us are at rest, so is their energy and therefore an Empath can use this as an opportunity to revitalize their energy and to actively accomplish things. This can be especially helpful if you live with multiple people, or in a densely populated area. You may feel that you are able to get more things done and feel more at peace while doing them.

Are you an Empath? An Empath can feel and take on other people’s (both positive and negative) emotions, energy and, or, physical symptoms,  and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others. Empaths are emotional sponges and have a higher sensitivity to outside stimuli such as sounds, crowds, and hectic environments. Empaths are gifted at reading body language and energy and have the intuitive gift of Clairempathy. You can read about the traits of being an Empath by following this link:


#EmpathLife #Empath #EnergyisEverything #Peace #Productivity #EmpathTips

Are you aware of the Benefits of Halotherapy (Salt Therapy)?

I took this photo during a visit to Breathe Salt Therapy in Yorkville, IL. Learn more at:

In recent years Halotherapy (or Salt Therapy) has grown into one of the most popular forms of alternative therapy. The word “halotherapy” derives from the Greek halos, which is to say, ‘salt’. Thus ‘halotherapy’ means therapy which makes use of salt. Halotherapy is an all-natural, drug-free and holistic therapy that is done in an environment made to recreate a natural salt cave. It uses a combination of Himalayan salt and a halo-generator technology to maintain adequate salt levels in the room. The Himalayan salt used is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial property that reduces inflammation and helps open up breathing passages. For Empaths, salt can be a huge grounding and energy clearing tool, too!

Many people are turning to Halotherapy for its multitude of benefits. It is also safe and extremely beneficial for children! Salt Therapy as it can assist with:

  • Acne
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Colds
  • COPD
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Depression, (including postpartum)
  • Ear infections
  • Eczema
  • Flu
  • Inflammation
  • Insomnia
  • Lung health
  • Migraines
  • Psoriasis
  • Mental lethargy
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • Snoring
  • Stress

…. And much more…

Check to see if you have a salt room close to where you live and give it a try!


#healingsaltroom #natural #drugfree #Halotherapy #salttherapy #saltroom #empath #energyclearing

Photo credit for main photo: Wade Vandervort, Las Vegas Sun.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at:

Without even trying, Empaths can Energetically Mirror Back Inner Angst and Lack of Personal Integrity of Another

Empaths can rub people the wrong way simply because, without intending to, they can energetically mirror back the entire inner angst and lack of personal integrity of another, exposing an unwillingness to face their own dishonesty, greed, hatred, and desire to hide from the truth as well as from themselves. This can happen completely outside the Empath’s conscious awareness as they tend to keep sending out light which can irritate another’s demons while being perplexed at the reactions. It can literally drive those who thrive on inauthenticity out of their minds.

Are you an Emapth? An Empath can feel and take on other people’s (both positive and negative) emotions, energy and, or, physical symptoms,  and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others. Empaths are emotional sponges and have a higher sensitivity to outside stimuli such as sounds, crowds, and hectic environments. Empaths are gifted at reading body language and energy and have the intuitive gift of Clairempathy. You can read about the traits of being an Empath here.


#empath #empathlife #empathstriggerpeople #mirroreffect #dishonesty #greed #truth #inauthenticity #inauthenticpeople #triggers #itisoktobedisliked

In any Toxic System (marriage, family tree, workplace, social circle, etc.) Empaths especially, tend to be the Scapegoat. Are you one?

Scapegoating can apply in any arena where people socialize. Scapegoating selects the most sensitive and emotionally intelligent person within the system, and your only fault as the scapegoat, is being mentally and emotionally strong enough the bear the burden of such abuse. Being the scapegoat means that either consciously or unconsciously others have formed a discrediting campaign against you and have targeted you for shame, blame, rejection, humiliation, and abuse, to avoid looking at themselves and their own problems. As the scapegoat, you pose a threat to the system because you see through the dysfunction.

It is important to note that there is research that suggests that people who are mentally ill or emotionally unstable are far more likely to scapegoat others. And those who attack/target/pick the scapegoat do so in order to release their pent up frustrations and deep feelings of abandonment, ‘toxic shame’, or self-hatred.

Scapegoating does have biblical origins and refers to a goat set free into the wilderness to carry away the sins of the group on its small shoulders. It was not killed like its counterpart, the blood sacrifice. So, although it may not feel this way, there is freedom in being scapegoated.

People who are scapegoated tend to have the following traits. Do you relate to most, if not all, on the list?

  • You are Highly Empathic – You have an ability to passionately understand, recognize, connect with, and share the emotions of others. And although you may be able to feel empathetic, that doesn’t automatically mean that you are an empath.
  • You are an independent person.
  • You are disrespected and discredited by those who should be your equal.
  • You are held to a different standard.
  • You are highly sensitive, including to other people’s energy.
  • You are left out of events, and/or conversations.
  • You are punished for telling the truth – Anytime you speak the truth, you are rebuked.
  • You are resourceful.
  • You are very creative – Empaths experience unfamiliar and often powerful emotions, which can make them more creative than most.
  • You display honesty, vulnerability and have emotional strength.
  • You don’t conform to family, workplace or system rules or patterns just for the sake of doing so.
  • You point out issues that you feel need to be addressed.
  • You question authority – You don’t question authority because you are trying to be difficult, but rather because you see through a flawed system.
  • You receive little or no praise, support or encouragement for your accomplishments.
  • You tend to be codependent – A codependent is someone whose feelings, thoughts, and actions revolve around another person. Empaths can have codependent tendencies but not all codependents are empaths.
  • You tend to have a higher frequency/higher vibration than of those around you.
  • Your character or reputation tends to get tarnished by others who speak poorly of you instead of facing their own dysfunction.

Being a scapegoat can be a rough role to play, but no matter how tough it is, it is a lot better than fitting in with the people who are doing the attacking. In order to heal from scapegoating, we need to face our past, acknowledge it, then take our focus off of it and forgive anyone we need to forgive, including ourselves. (Remember that forgiveness is about setting you free.) Let go of everything (and even everyone) that no longer serves your highest good. Acknowledge the patters, understand where they came from, and make changes to do better every day so that such patterns are not carried forward to others generations or to the people around you.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at:

Empath Fact: Some People will Dislike You for Having a Faster (or Higher) Vibration

Someone taking a dislike to another is a completely normal and acceptable part of life. We are all different and there will always be some people we do not get along with, or who do not get along with us, however do you know that some people will take an automatic dislike to an empath simply because of their vibration or frequency? We empaths tend to have a higher vibration. This happens for a handful of reasons:

Your vibration is the frequency that your physical body resonates at.

 – We use different techniques to cleanse our energy because we pick up energy that isn’t ours along the way.

 – We are aware of who and what drains our energy and we avoid it, or don’t absorb it, when possible.

 – And we tend to make positive changes to our mind and bodies regarding how we care for them and what we put into them.

You might notice that you are disliked or rejected by those who need to be around people with lower vibrations. Similarly to how we empaths prefer to NOT be around people who full of negativity, there are other people who cannot stand to be around those of us who have a higher vibration.  You might also find that sometimes low-vibrational people try to bring you down and extinguish your happiness when given the opportunity to do so. You need to remember that not everyone is ready to raise their vibration or even wants to.

My best advice is to not lower your vibration in order to fit in or to be liked. Keep spreading your light and come to terms with the fact that when you come across people like this, they aren’t your people. Wish them well, thank them for their part in your journey and move on.

You can learn more about your vibration/frequency here:

You can learn more about being an empath here:


Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at:

Empath Fact: Some People will Dislike You for being too Quiet or Standoffish in a Social Setting

Someone taking a dislike to another is a completely normal and acceptable part of life. We are all different and there will always be some people we do not get along with, or who do not get along with us, however do you know that some people will take an automatic dislike to an empath simply because you are being too quiet, or too standoffish in a social setting.

Empaths tend to detach when we start to feel overloaded in social situations, especially if there is a lot going on, a lot of noise, stimuli and/or a crowd of people. We may get quiet or seem a bit standoffish and many around us can wrongly interpret our behavior as being snobbish. Those around us who are more insecure in nature can become offended and take our quietness as a form of disrespect and in return, take a dislike towards us, or at the very least, comment behind our backs. Because others don’t feel what an Empath feels, it is difficult for them to understand.

My advice is to make appearances at events and places that you feel comfortable with and don’t feel that you need to stay until the very end. Also, protect your energy prior to going to a social gathering and re-protect yourself as the event goes on. You may also find that certain crystals help you. I find that Black Tourmaline is helpful for protecting my energy and that selenite works well for me for cleansing my energy. (Some people suggest using amethyst for energy protection, but I found that just drew more “stuff” in for me as amethyst assist with intuition.) You can work with Archangel Michael to help you to shield. You can also set intentions before going to gatherings and events. I use something like: “Please only allow me to absorb any energies that I am meant to heal or to take on.” (You can use what works best for you.)

I offer Empath Mentoring as a service. You can learn more here:


Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at:

Do you have a Mid-Day Routine??

Empaths are sponges and we pick up the energy from others everywhere. We pick up energy at work, at the store, at a stoplight, from each person we interact with, to what we watch on T.V. or listen to on the radio. The energy you pick up accumulates in your body throughout the day. Because of this, it is important to give yourself permission to pause, reset, and re-tune in the middle of the day. Your mid-day break doesn’t have to be a long one, or consist of anything that is too complex. Your break can be a short walk outside, a quick meditation, or even time with an animal or pet.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me at: if you’d like to connect. You can learn more about the services that I offer at: and you can find more information about both of my blogs, as well as links, at: